
  • 2000

    Establishment of CBMH

  • Establishment of Division of Bioethics under Department of Community and Family Medicine


  • 2016

    Establishment of International Bioethics Postgraduate Programs in UGM

  • Establishment of Sub Department of Bioethics in Department of Medical Education


  • 2018

    Proposal development for UNESCO Chair UGM in Bioethics

  • Approved as UNESCO Chair in Bioethics of UGM


Development of Bioethics and Medical Humanities network nationally, regionally, and internationally through seminar and workshop, certified courses on bioethics for health professionals (H-E-L-P approach), collaborative visits and meetings include visiting professor, partnership on bioethics capacity building project, collaborative research, publishing bioethics module and “Buku Putih Bioetika UGM”, establishing of International (Asia-Pacific Region) Consortium on Bioethics and Humanities, hosting for bioethics major conferences JBHKI 8th, Asian Bioethics Conference 17th, and UNESCO Ethics Teacher Training Course, as well as piloting Indonesian version of the UNESCO Bioethics Core Curriculum.