Consumer Behaviour in Health Sector during Pandemic (Raboan Discussion Forum)

Wednesday, February 2, 2022, the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities held a Raboan Discussion Forum with the theme Consumer Behavior in Health Industry. This theme was presented by Dr. Shine Pintor S. Patiro, S.T., M.M from the Faculty of Economics at the Open University. Meanwhile, the moderator was Puri Swastika GKD, S.E., M.Sc.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought new dynamics to the Health industry players. This happens because there is a change in consumer behavior as a result of the increasing need for health goods and services. Dr. Pintor explained that during the pandemic, consumer behavior in the health industry became an issue that was widely discussed.

Consumers are customers or actors who use the goods and services offered by the company. Consumer behavior is an activity ranging from searching, choosing available alternatives, determining the final decision to buy goods or services, using or spending an item or service, to evaluating. Consumer behavior includes emotional and mental aspects because it involves the process of growing perceptions and attitudes.

Before delving deeper into consumer behavior, Dr. Pintor explained the importance of knowing the consumer market and marketing strategy. For this reason, several factors need to be considered, namely market size, changes in purchasing behavior and purchasing decisions, emphasis on market orientation, and designing an effective marketing strategy.

Dr. Pintor explained that two main factors influence Consumer Behavior, namely external factors, and internal factors. External factors are cultural and social. The factors included in the cultural factors are culture, sub-culture, and social class, while the factors included in the social factors include reference groups, family, roles, and status and roles in the buying process. Meanwhile, internal factors include personal and psychological. Factors that are included in personal factors include age, occupation, economic situation, and lifestyle. While the factors included in the psychological factors are motivation, perception, learning, belief, and attitudes.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer behavior changed. According to Dr. Pintor during the covid pandemic, consumers tend to focus on things that are essential and have value. In addition, due to reduced physical activity outside the home, industry adoption towards a digital direction is very important.

“Consumers also need fast, efficient, and contact-free service,” said Dr. Pintor

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