Explores the Distinction Between Medicine and Health, Emphasizing Ethics and Human Rights

Yogyakarta, February 5th, 2025 – Raboan Research and Perspective Sharing returns at the beginning of February, raising an important topic related to medicine and health. This event features a distinguished speaker, dr. Noorman Herryadi, Sp.F, S.H, the Chairman of the Honorary Council of Indonesian Medical Ethics (MKEK) and a Forensic Ethical-Legal Consultant. The discussion is moderated by Fahmi Baiquni, S.Psi., M.P.H, from the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing FK-KMK UGM.

In this discussion, dr. Noorman Herryadi elaborates on the definitions and differences between medicine and health, which are often sources of confusion among medical professionals and the general public. Medicine is not just a science, but also an art in understanding diseases and their cures. The speaker explains that medicine encompasses various aspects, ranging from disease prediction, the relationship between humans, to the ethical principles that every doctor must uphold.

During his presentation, dr. Noorman quotes several sources, including Dorland’s Medical Dictionary and the philosophy of Paracelsus, who stated that: 

“Medicine is not only a science, but an art.” 

He emphasizes that medicine is not only limited to curative aspects but also includes other medical efforts such as promotive, preventive, and rehabilitative measures.

Furthermore, dr. Noorman stresses that medicine must be based on ethics. Medical ethics is rooted in the doctor’s oath and humanitarian principles, where doctors are required to practice their profession with high integrity.

In addition to discussing medicine, the session also highlights the definition of health based on Law No. 17 of 2023, which includes physical, mental, and social aspects. The speaker underscores that health is a fundamental human right, and the government has the obligation to provide adequate healthcare services for the public.

This session of Raboan Research and Perspective Sharing provides a deep understanding that medicine and health are interrelated but have different scopes. Medicine focuses on diagnosis and treatment, while health encompasses broader aspects, including social well-being and public policy.

In conclusion, this Raboan Research and Perspective Sharing session reaffirms that a proper understanding of medicine and health is crucial to improving the quality of healthcare services in Indonesia. A broader understanding of medicine aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), which emphasizes the importance of access to quality healthcare for everyone.

Without Calibration, Medical Devices Can Become a Threat, Not a Solution

(A presentation on medical device calibration by Anggie Maulana Subkhan, SKM, M.Bio.Et.)

(A presentation on medical device calibration by Anggie Maulana Subkhan, SKM, M.Bio.Et.)

Yogyakarta, January 15, 2025 – Raboan Research and Perspective Sharing returned with an engaging topic titled “Ethical Issues in Medical Device Calibration Services”. This event was attended by healthcare professionals, practitioners, and students interested in bioethics and medical device calibration.

The webinar featured Anggie Maulana Subkhan, SKM, M.Bio.Et, as the keynote speaker. Anggie, a calibration technician at the Yogyakarta Health Office and an alumnus of the Master of Bioethics program, brought valuable insights into the ethical challenges faced in the medical sector. He emphasized that medical device calibration is not just crucial for accreditation but also essential for patient safety, ensuring accurate measurement results.

Anggie also discussed ethical dilemmas in the calibration process, including the lack of trained personnel, unaccredited calibration institutions, and budget constraints often faced by healthcare facilities. With existing regulations, such as the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 54 of 2015 on medical device testing and calibration, it is vital for all stakeholders to understand the critical role of calibration in preventing serious health risks caused by device errors.

This discussion strongly aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being. Accurate and ethical medical device calibration ensures precise diagnoses, reduces medical errors, and enhances patient safety. Additionally, the webinar supports SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, by highlighting the importance of fair regulations, institutional capacity building, and ethical accountability in healthcare services. The collaboration among institutions discussed during this session reflects collective efforts to sustain a global health system.

The Raboan session provided profound insights into the importance of ethics in medical device calibration and its contribution to the quality of healthcare services. The event also emphasized the need for collaboration between healthcare institutions, calibration agencies, and the community to ensure calibration processes are conducted effectively and in compliance with standards.

(Group photo session with Raboan participants)

For more information, visit our Instagram pages @cbmh_ugm and @bioetika.ugm or contact us via email at cbmhfkugm@mail.ugm.ac.id.

Reporter          : Alvira Rahmasari, S.H.G.

Editor              : Rafi Khairuna Wibisono, S.Kom.

2025 Raboan Webinar: Ethics and Challenges in Safeguarding Education Quality

Yogyakarta, January 8, 2025 – The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (CBMH FM-PHN UGM), kicked off the year 2025 with its inaugural Raboan Webinar titled, “Ethics and Challenges in Safeguarding Education Quality.” Held online on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, the webinar featured Dr. dr. Veronika Ika Budiastuti, MPd, as the keynote speaker. The discussion covered ethical dimensions in higher education quality assurance, highlighting challenges and proposed solutions.

QnA session with Raboan participants

The webinar underscored the significance of both Internal Quality Assurance Systems (SPMI) and External Quality Assurance Systems (SPME) in maintaining the quality of higher education. SPMI focuses on continuous improvement within institutions, while SPME serves as an external evaluation tool to assess SPMI’s effectiveness. Collaboration between universities and accreditation bodies is crucial to achieving holistic education quality. The discussion also addressed the ethical dilemmas faced in implementing SPMI and SPME, such as the tension between institutional autonomy and the obligation to meet external standards, as well as the challenge of ensuring equitable access to education across Indonesia, particularly in remote areas compared to metropolitan regions. Dr. Veronika emphasized the need for flexibility in accreditation standards to accommodate the diversity of resources among universities.

Presentation from Dr. Veronika as speaker

Presentation from Dr. Veronika as speaker

This webinar aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 4: Quality Education. By addressing ethics in quality assurance, the event highlighted the importance of equal and quality educational access for all. The holistic approach recommended in the webinar supports the development of competitive and ethical human resources, creating a positive impact on society and the environment on a global scale.

Dr. Veronika concluded the webinar by stressing the importance of collaboration among stakeholders, including accreditation bodies, universities, and the government. A flexible and holistic approach can help overcome challenges in safeguarding education quality, creating a better education system for future generations. This webinar offered deep insights into the role of ethics in maintaining education quality.

Reporter : Alvira Rahmasari, S.H.G.
Editor : Rafi Khairuna Wibisono, S.Kom

Webinar Raboan Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) UGM: Family Decision Making

Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Universitas Gadjah Mada (CBMH UGM) held its regular Raboan event with the theme “Family Decision Making” on Wednesday, October 8, 2024. The event was hosted via Zoom and featured Lintang Sagoro, MD, a master’s student from Harvard Medical School, as the speaker. The webinar was attended by students, academics, and healthcare practitioners interested in medical ethics and policy issues.

Lintang Sagoro, MD, opened the discussion by highlighting the crucial role of the family in decision-making for the care of patients with serious illnesses. “Medical decisions are not just about the therapies to be administered, but also about how to maintain the quality of life of the patient, both physically and emotionally,” he explained. Lintang Sagoro, MD emphasized that honest and transparent communication between patients, families, and healthcare providers is essential for ensuring the well-being of the patient, especially in the context of palliative care.

In the first session, Lintang Sagoro, MD discussed the importance of bioethical principles in medical decision-making, grounded in the values of Pancasila. The concepts of respect, beneficence, and justice, which advocate for the respect of all forms of life, including humans, animals, and the environment, serve as the foundation that must be considered in every medical decision. “The principle of patient autonomy must be balanced with family responsibility, and we need to ensure that decisions reflect the noble values that underpin bioethics,” he said.

The discussion then moved to the topic of palliative care, which aims to improve the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses. Lintang Sagoro, MD explained that palliative care is not meant to replace curative treatment, but rather to complement it by focusing on the comfort of the patient, as well as providing emotional and spiritual support for both the patient and their family.

Communication challenges between families and patients were also a key point of focus in this webinar. Lintang Sagoro, MD revealed that families often face dilemmas in disclosing the health condition of patients with severe illnesses, as they try to protect the patient from stress that may arise from unpleasant information. “It is important for healthcare providers to help families deliver information carefully and empathetically, so the decision-making process can proceed smoothly,” he said.

The webinar also highlighted the cultural differences in medical decision-making between Indonesia and Western countries. In Indonesia, medical decisions tend to involve the extended family, whereas in countries like the United States, patient autonomy plays a more dominant role in determining their care. This difference underscores the importance of understanding cultural context in medical practice.

The discussion was relevant to SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-Being, which emphasizes the importance of quality and inclusive healthcare. Family-based decision-making and honest communication in the care of patients with serious illnesses support efforts to achieve better access to holistic palliative care. This also contributes to reducing healthcare inequities and enhancing the well-being of both patients and families facing difficult conditions.

At the conclusion of the event, Lintang Sagoro, MD encouraged participants to better understand the importance of emotional support for families caring for patients with serious illnesses, as well as the need to integrate palliative care into the healthcare system. “Support for caregivers is crucial, as they not only care for the physical needs of the patient, but also face significant emotional challenges,” he remarked.

For more information, please visit the official of CBMH UGM

E-mail             : cbmhfkugm@ugm.ac.id

Youtube          : CBMH UGM

Instagram        : cbmh_ugm


Reporter          : Alvira Rahmasari, S.H.G.

Editor              : Rafi Khairuna Wibisono, S.Kom.

Webinar RABOAN “Ethics and Moral Dilemma: Approaches For Solving Ethical Dilemmas”

Yogyakarta, October 2, 2024 – The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKKMK UGM) hosted the RABOAN webinar titled “Ethics and Moral Dilemma: Approaches For Solving Ethical Dilemmas”. The event featured Dr. Johanes Haryatmoko, SJ., a social ethics expert, as the keynote speaker, with Prof. Syafaatun Almirzanah, M.A., M.Th., Ph.D., D.Min. serving as the moderator.

This webinar explored ethical approaches to addressing moral dilemmas, particularly in the healthcare field, using principles such as deontology, utilitarianism, proportionalism, and communitarianism. The discussion emphasized the importance of deep reflection in making ethical and fair decisions, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 on Good Health and Well-Being, and SDG 16 on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

Dr. Haryatmoko highlighted that “what is legal is not necessarily moral.” Ethical decisions, especially in the medical field, cannot be based solely on formal law but must also involve a deep analysis of social and cultural contexts. One example discussed was the case of a mother who refused an abortion despite significant pressure from her family. Dr. Haryatmoko emphasized the importance of respecting individual autonomy while considering collective values.

Prof. Syafaatun added that often, moral dilemmas arise from a lack of effective communication. “Before an issue becomes an ethical dilemma, the main problem is often poor communication,” she stated. She stressed the need for open and inclusive dialogue between healthcare providers and patients, which is in line with the SDGs’ efforts to promote peace and justice through effective communication.

The discussion also touched on ethical dilemmas in medical practice in Indonesia, such as preeclampsia procedures, abortion, and vasectomy, which often conflict with religious values. The webinar stressed the importance of adopting locally grounded ethical approaches to formulating humane solutions, in line with global efforts to ensure equitable and dignified healthcare access.

In conclusion, Dr. Haryatmoko reminded the participants that open discourse and deep reflection are key to navigating moral dilemmas. “Social ethics requires a bridge in the form of values and competencies to connect vision with action,” he stated.

The webinar was attended by participants from various sectors, including healthcare professionals, academics, and students, who actively asked questions regarding ethical dilemmas in medical practice. Dr. Haryatmoko’s book, which delves further into social ethics, also garnered significant attention from attendees.


For more information, please visit the official of CBMH UGM

E-mail             : cbmhfkugm@ugm.ac.id

Youtube          : CBMH UGM

Instagram        : cbmh_ugm


Reporter          : Rafi Khairuna Wibisono, S.Kom.

Editor              : Alvira Rahmasari, S.H.G.

Leadership Skill for Medical Student [Raboan Discussion Forum]

The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) held a Raboan Discussion Forum on Leadership in Academic Medicine on Wednesday (06/09). The event, which was held online, invited speakers Prof Chandramani Thuraisingham and Dr Sasikala Amirthalingam. The discussion was led by moderator Prof. Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D.

The presentation was divided into two sessions. The first session was by Prof. Chandramani titled Leadership as a Primary Care Physician. Prof. Chandramani emphasized that Leadership is important in medical school. Prof Chandramani explains that Leadership is not a talent anyone is born with. It is a skill one needs first to acquire and then hone further. 4 crucial points on ethical Leadership: 1) Ethical leaders have high standards for their team & set the same standards for themselves daily. 2) Ethical leaders would also do the job they ask someone to do. 3) Ethical Leaders hold equal respect for others & the team. 4) Ethical leaders are honest and straightforward in their communication.

The second session is by Dr. A Sasikala. Her presentation is titled Learning Leadership During Community Engagement Activities. She presented her community engagement project in Kampung Sebir. This project provided valuable experiential learning opportunities for the students, helping them develop essential Leadership and interpersonal skills such as communication skills, listening skills, delegating tasks and responsibilities, being transparent leader, creating a collaborative environment, teamwork, being empathetic, Having confidence, Firmly believing in their vision Developing mutual trust relationships, and openness to feedback.

Ethical Dilemma During Limited Resource in Covid-19 Pandemic and The Urgency of Bioethics Education [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (30/08) The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities held a regular Raboan Discussion Forum. The activity, which was held online, invited speakers, Dr. Ervin Dyah Ayu M. D., M.Sc, who is an alumnus of the UGM bioethics master’s study program and a lecturer at the University of Surabaya. The topic presented was The Urgency of Bioethics Education in Allocating Limited Resources. Acting as moderator is Noviyanti Fahdilla, S.Tr.Keb, MPH.

The COVID-19 pandemic has raised various ethical dilemmas in treating patients. In conditions where human resources (HR) and facilities are limited, doctors and medical personnel face demanding situations that result in services not being optimal and many patients needing to be treated.

It is also prone to misunderstandings and conflicts between doctors and patients. With limited resources, doctors are forced to choose which patients receive treatment first. A doctor’s decision needs to be understood by patients, and patients require an explanation from doctors and health workers.

Dr. Ervin explained that there is a guide to resource allocation when in limited condition. However, these guidelines need to be adapted to Indonesian culture. Thus, bioethics training or education with an Indonesian cultural background is essential for students, doctors, and health workers to improve their communication skills and cultural competence.


Translational Value of Animal Models in Research [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday, (23/08) Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) held Raboan Discussion Forum. The routine webinar was held in collaboration with International Medical University Malaysia. The speaker was Dr. Renu Agarwal and the moderator was Erlin Erlina, PhD. The raised topic is Translational Value of Animal Models in Research: Ethical Viewpoint.

Understanding how the human body functions, identifying diseases that affect humans, and developing effective treatment options are pivotal endeavors in medical and scientific research. To advance these goals, animal testing has played a significant role in various fields, including research and development (R&D), fundamental research, quality control (QC), production, and toxicity testing. Commonly used animals for these purposes include mice, rats, ectotherms, rabbits, and birds.

One of the most poignant stories related to animal testing is that of Laika, the first dog in space. Laika was sent into orbit aboard the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 to study the prolonged effects of weightlessness on a living being. Unfortunately, her mission ended tragically as she succumbed to stress and overheating. This story sparking a debate on the ethical considerations surrounding animal testing.

This debate can be distilled into two primary viewpoints: those in favor of animal testing (pro-animal testing) and those against it (kontra animal testing).

Proponents of Animal Testing (Pro):
– Argue that human life has greater intrinsic value than animal life and that medical research saves countless human lives.
– Emphasize that legislation is in place to protect lab animals from cruelty or mistreatment.
– Point out that many animals are euthanized before experiencing significant suffering, making their sacrifice more humane.
– Highlight the irony that millions of animals are killed every year for food, questioning whether their deaths for medical research are a more worthy cause.

Opponents of Animal Testing (Kontra):
– Contend that animals have as much right to live as humans and that their lives should not be sacrificed for research purposes.
– Argue that strict controls have not always prevented some animals from being abused, even if such instances are rare.
– Assert that death for research is unnecessary, and alternative methods should be explored to replace animal testing.
– Express concerns about the suffering experienced by animals while they are confined and question our ability to accurately gauge when they do or don’t feel pain.

Despite the ethical divide, international guidelines acknowledge the role of animal testing in advancing medical knowledge and ensuring the safety and efficacy of medicines, vaccines, and surgical techniques. These guidelines stipulate that such testing must involve two different species of mammals. While contentious, it is an unavoidable reality in the pursuit of scientific progress.

The guiding principles underscore the need to regulate animal testing rather than abolishing it and emphasize the humane treatment of animals involved in experiments.

For scientific integrity, researchers must address internal and external validity in animal testing. Key questions include considering the relevance of the chosen animal species, designing experiments to eliminate bias, and outlining plans for data collection and analysis.

In conclusion, the debate over animal testing is complex and multifaceted, touching on ethical, scientific, and regulatory considerations. Striking a balance between advancing medical knowledge and respecting the welfare of animals remains a challenging and ongoing endeavor in the field of research.

Islamic Perspective on the Use of Tube Feeding [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (16/08), Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing held a Raboan Discussion Forum titled “Tube Feeding in Dementia at the End of Life from an Islamic Perspective.” The event, which was held online, invited speakers, Dr. Hadil Lababidi from Erlangen University, Germany. Meanwhile, the discussion was led by Ns. Wahyu Dewi Sulistyarini, M.SN.

Dementia is an umbrella term for a disease of decreased cognitive ability. One type of disease in dementia is Alzheimer’s. People living with acute dementia will experience severe symptoms such as being confined to bed, wetting the bed, and having difficulty swallowing food.

Artificial Nutrition and Hydration (ANH) was created to help people living with dementia get food intake. ANH will be given through a gastronomic tube or nasogastric tube, so this process is often called Tube Feeding. ANH can cause several side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and infection. Apart from that, it can also make patients stressed and uncomfortable and increase social isolation.

From an Islamic point of view, hunger and lack of nutrition is something that is opposed. However, continuous use of ANH should be avoided. Islam teaches that close relatives who care for dementia patients must respect the patient’s dignity and prevent the side effects of ANH.
There are several alternatives that can be used besides tube feeding, including Assisted Hand Feeding (AHF), Feeding Positions and Skills, and Modification of Food Texture.

Professionalism and Ethical Responsiveness for Medical Student [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (09/08), Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Gadjah Mada University held Raboan: International Collaboration in collaboration with International Medical University Malaysia. The boldly held event raised the topic of Student Empowerment: Professionalism & Ethical Responsiveness, which was presented by Dr. Serena In from IMU Malaysia. Meanwhile, the moderator who led the discussion was Dr. Wika Hartanti MIH from CBMH FK-KMK UGM.

Professionalism is an important thing to be mastered by students, especially medical students. Professionalism and Ethical Responsiveness emphasize the commitment of physicians and healthcare professionals to excellence, patient well-being, and the health needs of society. For students to have professionalism and ethical responsiveness, such as integrity, accountability, respect, and professional commitment, it is necessary to involve various stakeholders in medical education and patient care.

Dr. Serena highlighted the competencies of good ethical education, including the ability to identify ethical issues, knowledge of aspects, self-reflection, and making ethical decisions in critical situations. Methods that can be taken include conducting open dialogues, simulations, case studies, and workshops in order to develop skills and understanding of complex ethical issues. So students can explore their attitudes, manage emotions, and engage with different perspectives.
Dr. Serena suggested that lecturers can encourage students to be aware of how ethical issues can be resolved in clinical practice. She also encourages students to dialogue and interact with others to determine whether students have ethical abilities in clinical practice.