Human activities and natural forces are influencing the global climate. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere; as a result, the earth’s climate is changing. Globally, the average temperature of the earth has warmed over 0.55°C since the mid-nineteenth century, when measurements began. Climate change is expected to cause significant loss of life that effected direct health and indirect effect of climate changes include potential increases in the transmission of vector-borne infectious diseases. Also, could occur as a result of elevated temperatures and increased flooding. Limited supplies of fresh water and nutritious food, as well as the aggravation of air pollution, will also have human health consequences. As a result, serious new environmental problems have emerged on a global scale. 

      The problems can also occur other than in the health sector, including; worldwide loss of biodiversity, forests, and wetlands; long-range transport of toxic substances; decline of coastal ocean quality; and degradation of the world’s freshwater and ecological systems. That are terms that describe nature’s variety. Its condition induced an important additional stress to the many ecological and socioeconomic systems already. The vulnerability of human health and socioeconomic systems depends upon economic circumstances and institutional infrastructure.

      We have a duty to protect and preserve human, biodiversity, plants, animals, ecosystems and natural environment. Loss of biodiversity and natural environment raises the ethical question of human responsibility to protect plants and animals. This situation is a critical new ethical question for the human race. To understand the climate change problem well enough to trigger deep moral concern. Most ethical systems and our intuitive ethical sensitivity are focused on our responsibilities to people who are close by and can be directly affected by our actions. The technical power that humans now have to affect adversely people they will never meet is a challenge for such ethical systems. Still, global environmental problems raise very serious ethical issues: for example, a global climate change will hurt the poorest on the planet, seriously reduce the quality of life for future generations, and threaten plants and animals around the world. Is this right or just, particularly if those who are most harmed are least responsible for the problem.

      And currently we are also facing technological development. Technology is rapidly transforming the way we access, use and convey information. While it offers immense benefits and continues to evolve, it is imperative to consider the ethical implications of the developments. As we continue to embrace new technologies, we need to explore the importance of ethics in technology and potential consequences of not considering ethical issues. From data security issues, to the impact of artificial intelligence on jobs and society, there are a wide range of ethical concerns that require addressing in order to successfully use technology to our advantage. Ethics play an important role in the business world and ethical decision making and practices could be key for business success in today’s tech-driven world.

      Ethics in consent of environment crisis and rapid technology advancement plays an important role in today’s worlds as it ensures that environment and technology are used appropriately to benefit the humanity and society, without any unintended consequences and bias. It ensures accountability and builds trust between companies, individuals and, governments enabling the effective adoption of technology. The International Bioethics and Humanities Conference 2024 proudly presents its renowned venue where the multi discipline experts collaborate and network with peers and learn from experts to discover strategic bioethics actions in preserving humanity.