Ethics in Global Health Issues [Raboan Discussion Forum]
Wednesday (21/09) the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada again held the Raboan discussion forum. On that occasion, CBMH FK-KMK UGM invited the speaker, dr. Peter Johannes Manoppo SpB MBIO who is the founder of the Indonesia Bioethics Forum. dr. Peter raised the topic of Ethics in Global Health Issues. Meanwhile, the moderator was Dr. CB Kusmaryanto, SCJ.
dr. Peter explained that the UNDP (United Nation Development Program) has a draft Sustainable Development Goals that are implemented all over the world. These Goals are a reference for various parties to overcome various global challenges, including in Bioethics.
According to dr. Peter there are a number of global health issues that are a concern in the field of Bioethics. Among them is the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a surge in patients in various countries, thus overwhelming the health system. The result is a scarcity of medical equipment and health workers. Another issue of concern is Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. In the current digital era, the use of artificial intelligence is difficult to avoid. The benefits of technology can indeed help humans, but it can raise ethical issues in the future. Besides AI and Big Data, the issue of Human Genome Editing has also become a global concern. Genetic engineering can help human life, especially for therapeutic purposes. However, it should not be used for reproductive purposes.
Another issue of concern is proper medical research. Currently there is guidance from CIOMS (Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences) but there are still many violations. In addition, now many studies end up being archives instead of being used to solve public problems. Another global issue in bioethics is inequality in health care. Until now, there are still many groups of people who do not have adequate access to health care. Drug Resistance is also an issue that needs attention. With the increase in communication and information technology, people can seek knowledge about health and carry out self-diagnosis.
Several other issues that were discussed were mental health issues. There is an increasing number of suicides in the world, including young people. Of course this requires serious handling. Another global issue is the Conscientious Objection to doctors or health workers. Then there is also the issue of Physical Burnout experienced by many health workers. Physical Burnout can cause a decrease in the quality of life of doctors and health workers.
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