Data Privacy in Healthcare (Raboan Discussion Forum)
The Raboan Discussion Forum was again held by the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities on Wednesday (08/12). This raboan theme continues the previous discussion regarding Health Law, namely Data Privacy in Health Services which was presented by Dr. Abdul Rasyid Thalib, S.H., M.Hum as chairman of the Indonesian Health Law Society, Central Sulawesi. Meanwhile, the moderator of the discussion forum is dr. Nur Azid Mahadinata.
Technological developments bring challenges to Health data protection. This makes the regulation of personal data protection an urgent matter today.
The demands of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 make Health services now use more big data and the internet of things to help sustain it. However, the regulation of personal data protection is still considered weak. So it is very necessary to review the draft to produce a strong and comprehensive legal umbrella.
“Because personal data is confidential and must be protected, everyone must keep it safe, for example by using social media wisely because it could be spread through social media,” said Dr. Abdul Rashid Talib.
Dr. Abdul Rasyid Thalib explained that the Data Protection Bill distinguishes between personal and privacy terms. Personal data is defined as general data that can change from time to time. Personal data include Full Name, Gender, and Nationality which are generally listed in the Identity Card (KTP). Personal data will form your identity as a nation and a citizen.
Personal data is different from privacy data. Privacy data is defined as special data that is fixed and cannot change. Personal data includes health data and information, biometric data, genetic data, sexual orientation data, political views data, criminal records data, personal financial data, and other data by the legislation. Personal data is also known as Geometric Data. Privacy data is personal data that will shape a person’s character or identity.
In the practice of healthcare and medicine, there is often confusion about the difference between personal data and privacy. Personal data and privacy data are very important to be protected because the data contains the individual’s right to determine whether the data will be communicated or not. Because information about personal data and privacy data has the potential to be misused so that it can cause harm to the data owner. This makes the urgency of the ratification of the Personal Data Protection Bill that needs to be ratified immediately
Full video and power point can be accessed here.
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