
Moral and Legal Guidelines for Genetic Editing [Raboan Discussion Forum]

On Wednesday (24/5), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities held the Raboan Discussion Forum. The topic discussed was the Moral and Legal Guidelines for Genetic Editing. The speaker for this discussion was Prof Benjamin Gregg (expert in epigenetics) and it was moderated by dr Wika Hartanti, MIH . Epigenetics is the study of how […]

Autonomy vs Paternalism [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) held Raboan Discussion Forum last Wednesday (17/5). The discussed topic on the forum was “Autonomy VS Paternalism”. CBMH FK-KMK UGM, as the organizer, invited Prof. Hans Van Rostenberge from University Sains Malaysia as the speaker. Meanwhile dr. Nur Azid Mahardinata moderated the online discussion forum. There […]

Unplanned Complication and How to Ethically Deal With it? [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (13/4), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities again held the Raboan Discussion Forum. The topics discussed at this event were Unplanned Complication and How to Deal with It. The speaker on this topic was Dr. dr. H. Sophan Yahya Warnasouda, Sp.OT and Traumatology, Master of Health Law, a bioethicist from the Indonesian Bioethics […]

Business Ethics [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (05/4), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities held the Raboan Discussion Forum again. The topic discussed at this event was Business Ethics. The speaker on this topic is Dr. Peter Johannes Manoppo, a Bioethicist from the Indonesian Bioethics Forum. Meanwhile, the moderator was Nathan Agwin Khenda. The business makes one’s living because it […]

Seeking Treatment in a Neighboring Country, What Are the Ethical Aspects? [Raboan Discussion Forum]

On Wednesday (29/03),  Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities held the Raboan Discussion Forum again. This time, the topic raised was Ethical Aspects When Seeking Treatment In A Neighboring Country. The speaker of the discussion was dr. Effiana with the moderator dr. Tiea Khatija. Every year the number of Indonesian people seeking treatment in neighboring […]

Climate Change and Rural Health Care [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (1/03), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities held the Raboan Discussion Forum. This time, the topic that we raised was Climate Change and Rural Health Care. The speaker for this discussion was dr. I Nyoman Sutarsa, Ph.D and moderated by dr. Tiea Khatija. Climate change is anthropogenic emission, such as coal burning activities. […]


Moral and Legal Guidelines for Genetic Editing [Raboan Discussion Forum]

On Wednesday (24/5), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…

Autonomy vs Paternalism [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM)…

Unplanned Complication and How to Ethically Deal With it? [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (13/4), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…

Business Ethics [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (05/4), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…

Seeking Treatment in a Neighboring Country, What Are the Ethical Aspects? [Raboan Discussion Forum]

On Wednesday (29/03),  Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…

Climate Change and Rural Health Care [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (1/03), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…


Moral and Legal Guidelines for Genetic Editing [Raboan Discussion Forum]

On Wednesday (24/5), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…

Autonomy vs Paternalism [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM)…

Unplanned Complication and How to Ethically Deal With it? [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (13/4), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…

Business Ethics [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (05/4), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…

Seeking Treatment in a Neighboring Country, What Are the Ethical Aspects? [Raboan Discussion Forum]

On Wednesday (29/03),  Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…

Climate Change and Rural Health Care [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Wednesday (1/03), the Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities…