Ethical Disruption in Healthcare Digital Marketing Issues (Raboan Discussion Forum)

Yogyakarta – Raboan Discussion Forum was again organized by the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanity (CBMH UGM) on Wednesday (19/11). This weeks topic is  Ethical Issues in Healthcare Digital Marketing. CBMH UGM invited Dr. dr. Andreasta Meliala, DPH., M.Kes., MAS from the Center for Health Policy Management FK-KMK UGM. Meanwhile, the moderator  is Dr. Nur Azid Mahadinata.

In the past few years, the development of technology and the healthcare industry has grown very rapidly. This has resulted in new issues for health care providers one of them is Healthcare Marketing.

The Marketing practice in healthcare provider is becoming one of the topics that is increasingly being discussed by practitioners and researcher in the health and medical fields. Because, this challenges of industrialization and digitalization demand a balance between ethics and humanity.


Dr. dr. Andreasta explained that in the past advertising activities were unusual and unethical for a hospital. However, nowadays the term marketing is increasingly accepted and even becomes an important thing for the sustainability of the hospital. So that it brings disruption and also new challenges for the realization of the ethical principles that have been applied previously.

“Principles such as beneficence, fiduciary responsibility, respect for autonomy, non-maleficence have also disappeared, thus challenging the main ethical principle, namely human dignity,” said Dr. dr, Andreas.

One of the problems that often arise in Healthcare Marketing is the existence of excessive claims of a health product. Many health advertisements are found scattered among the public displaying research results that do not meet the rules of clinical research. For example, in advertisements targeting cancer patients.

“Because it is wrapped or used as a marketing strategy, the results have been blown up,” added Dr. Dr. Andreasta.

In his presentation, Dr. dr Andreasta also added some principles that can be applied by health care providers to promote a product. First, the information provided must be honest and balanced. Second, it is not allowed to exaggerate claims just for the sake of building perceptions. Third, providing data that can be accessed by all parties so that claims can be proven and accounted for. Fourth, ensure that the drugs given are appropriate for each group.


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